Treatment possibilities
Parent Guidance
There is always an interaction between the child with problems and its context (e.g. parents, close relatives, school, friends…). Involving parents in the treatment is therefore very useful. The therapist supports the parents by giving specific information about the child’s problem. Sometimes this additional information is sufficient, in other cases parents are actively involved in therapy to help them to cope with a difficult educational problem
Individual Therapy
Individual therapy is adapted and tailored to the child’s development level, age and needs. Each age requires another way of communication. Young children are approached through their play. Playing is the language of the young child and it contains a lot of information. Without ‘talking’ the child shows what bothers him or her. The therapist interacts with the child in its own ‘language’. The spoken conversation as a way to interact becomes more important with older children. With teenagers the spoken conversation is the most important way of interaction and tool in therapy, although several creative techniques are not excluded.
Family Therapy
Tensions in families or between spouses can influence the psychological well-being and the school grades of the child. The opposite is also true; problems of a child can influence the other family members. By means of interacting in a therapeutic context there can be looked for and practised in different ways of communication with each other.